пятница, 24 февраля 2012 г.




18-19 January, Wed-Thu. Promoting Mental Health in Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Salt Lake City, Utah. Information: Brenda Reuss, Conference Assistant, The NADD, 132 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12401 USA, 845-331-4336 or 800-331-5362, fax: 845-331-4569, e-mail: breuss@thenadd.org, Internet: http://www.thenadd.org/content/conferences/utcfp.shtml

18-20 January, Wed-Fri. 29th All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposium on Gene to Genome: Environment and Chemical Interaction. Lucknow, India. Information: Organizing Secretary: D. Kar Chowdhuri, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, PO Box 80, M.G. Marg, Lucknow--226 001, India, 0522-2613786, 2627586, 2611547, ext. 218/219, fax: +91-5222-628227, 2611547, e-mail: aicbc_2006@yahoo.co.in, Internet: http://www.itrcindia.org/aicbc2006/

18-20 January, Wed-Fri. 2006 Waste Management National Meeting: Learning from the Past--Preparing for the Future. Arlington, Virginia. Information: Amy Klaus, Programs Associate, Air and Waste Management Association, One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor, 420 Fort Duquesne Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1435 USA, 412-232-3444, ext. 3119, e-mail: aklaus@awma.org, Internet: http://www.awma.org/events/images/01-1305-National Waste-0lb%2011_22.pdf

23-25 January, Mon-Wed. Canadian Clean Air Policy Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Information: Carrie Hartz, PO Box 307, Findley Lake, NY 14736 USA, 716-769-6212 or 888-580-4658, e-mail: chartz@awma.org, Internet: http://www.awma.org/events/confs/CanCleanAirPolicy06/ CanCleanAirPolicy2006PrelimProgram.pdf

25-27 January, Wed-Fri. Vapor Intrusion: The Next Great Environmental Challenge. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Information: Amy Klaus, Technical Programs Coordinator, Air & Waste Management Association, One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor, 420 Fort Duquesne Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 USA, 412-232-3444, ext. 3119, e-mail: aklaus@awma.org, Internet: http://www.awma.org/events/confs/ vapor%20intrusion/default1.asp

26-27 January, Thu-Fri. 6th National Conference on Science, Policy, and the Environment: Energy for a Sustainable and Secure Future. Washington, DC. Information: National Council for Science and the Environment, 1707 H Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006 USA, 202-530-5810, fax: 202-628-4311, e-mail: 2006conference@ncseonline.org, Inrerner: http://www.ncseonline.org/NCSEconference/2006conference/

26-28 January, Thu-Sat. 5th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth: Building Safe, Healthy, and Livable Communities. Denver, Colorado. Information: Mark Bernhard, Senior Conference Planner, Pennsylvania State University, 225 The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, University Park, PA 16802-7005 USA, 814-863-5100, e-mail: mvb8@outreach.psu.edu, Internet: http://www.outreach.psu.edu/ programs/smartgrowth/

30 January-3 February, Mon-Fri. International Symposium: Biomedical Aspects of Nano-Toxicology. Miami, Florida. Information: Matthew Weaver, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh, 100 Technology Drive, Celomics Building, Room 328B, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA, 412-383-6900, fax: 412-383-7658, e-mail: mweaver@eoh.pitt.edu, Internet: http://www.pitt.edu/~nanotox/index.htm


9-11 February, Thu-Sat. Third International Conference on Ubiquitin, Ubiquitln-Like Proteins and Cancer. Houston, Texas. Information: Amy Heaton, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77030 USA, 713-745-6826, e-mail: aheaton@mdanderson.org, Internet: http://www.mdanderson.org/featured sites/sentrin/

13-16 February, Mon-Thu. The Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference. Taipei, Taiwan. Information: Ueng-Chen Yang, e-mail: apbc@ym.edu.tw, Internet: http://www.binfo.ym.edu.tw/apbc2006/

16-19 February, Thu-Sun. AMWA 2006 Annual Meeting--Prevention: The Smart Future Strategy. Tucson, Arizona. Information: American Medical Women's Association, 801 North Fairfax Street, Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA, 703-838-0500, fax: 703-549-3864, e-mail: info@amwa-doc.org, Internet: http://www.amwa-doc.org

16-20 February, Thu-Mon. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meetlng--Grand Challenges, Great Opportunities. Saint Louis, Missouri. Information: AAAS Meetings Group, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005 USA, 202-326-6450, fax: 202-289-4021, e-mail: aaasmeeting@aaas.org, Internet: http://www.aaas.org/meetings/Annual_Meeting/

18-22 February, Sat-Wed. Biophysical Society 50th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah. Information: Biophysical Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814 USA, 301-634-7114, fax: 301-634-7133, e-mail: society@biophysics.org, Internet: http://www.biophysics.org/meetings/2006/

22-25 February, Wed-Sat. 19th Annual Research Conference--A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. Tampa, Florida. Information: Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health, MHC2328, Department of Child and Family Studies, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida, 13301 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33612-3807 USA, 813-974-466, fax: 813-974-6257, Internet: http://rtckids.fmhi.usf.edu/rtcconference/

22-26 February, Wed-Sun. Preventive Medicine 2006, Reno/Tahoe, Nevada. Information: Lacey Young, Meetings Manager, American College of Preventive Medicine, 1307 New York Avenue NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005 USA, 202-466-2044, ext. 103, fax: 202-466-2662, e-mail: lly@acpm.org, Internet: http://www.preventivemedicine2006.org/

24 February, Fri. Community-Based Research and Practice: How Do We Make it Work for Everyone? Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Information: Office of Continuing Education, North Carolina Institute for Public Health, Campus Box 8165, UNC School of Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA, 919-966-4032, fax: 919-966-5692, e-mail: oc@unc.edu, Internet: http://www.minority.unc.edu/sph/minconf/2006/

26 February-1 March, Sun-Wed. LDA 43rd Annual International Conference. Jacksonville, Florida. Information: Learning Disabilities Association of America, 4156 Library Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1349 USA, 412-341-1515, fax: 412-344-0224, Internet: http://www.ldanad.org/conference/index.asp


2-4 March, Thu-Sat. The Sixth International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health. Miami, Florida. Information: Wesley Baker, American Psychological Association, Women's Programs Office, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 USA, 202-336-6033, fax: 202-336-6177, e-mail: wbaker@apa.org, Internet: http://www.apa.org/pi/work/callforpapers.html

4-8 March, Sat-Wed. 2006 Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Annual Conference--Early Childhood. Arlington, Virginia. Information: AMCHP, 1220 9th Street NW, Suite 801, Washington DC 20036 USA, 202-775-0436, fax: 202-775-0061, Internet: http://www.amchp.org/news/2005conference/conferencegeneral.htm

5-9 March, Sun-Thu. Society of Toxicology 45th Annual Meeting. San Diego, California. Information: 1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 300, Reston, VA 20190 USA, 703-438-3115, fax: 703-438-3113, e-maih sothq@toxicology.org, Internet: http:l/www.toxicology.org/ memberservices/meetings/am2006/index.html

5-10 March, Sun-Fri. DNA Damage, Mutation and Cancer. Ventura, California. Information: Gordon Research Conferences, PO Box 984, West Kingston, RI 02892-0984 USA, 401-783-4011, fax: 401-783-7644, e-mail: LKindle@grc.org, Internet: http://www.grc:org/programs/2006/ dna.htm

6-7 March, Mon-Tue. 17th International Activated Carbon Conference and Courses Program. Orlando, Florida. Information: Barbara Sherman, Professional Analytical and Consulting Services, Inc., 409 Meade Drive, Coraopolis, PA 15108 USA, 724-457-6576, fax: 724-457-1214, e-mail: barbpacs@aol.com, Internet: http://www.pacslabs.com/

6-10 March, Mon-Fri. Molecular Targets for Cancer Prevention. Tahoe City, California. Information: Keystone Symposia, 221 Summit Place #272, Drawer 1630, Silverthorne, CO 80498 USA, 800-253-0685 or 970-262-1230, fax: 970-262-1525, e-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org, Internet http://www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ViewMeetings.cfm? MeetingID=767

7-9 March, Tue-Thu. Planning for the Future: Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Clean Energy Linkages. San Francisco, California. Information: Amy Klaus, Programs Associate, Air and Waste Management Association, One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor, 420 Fort Duquesne Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1435 USA, 412-232-3444, ext. 3119, e-mail: aklaus@awma.org, Internet: http://www.awma.org/events/confs/GLOBAL/default.asp

12-14 March, Sun--Tue. DNA Structure, Genomic Rearrangements, and Human Disease. Houston, Texas. Information: Peggy Weinshilboum, Meeting Coordinator, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Center for Genome Research, 2121 West Holcombe Boulevard, Hoston, TX 77030 USA, 713-677-7651, e-mail: peggyw@ibt.tamhsc.edu, Internet: http://www.asbmb.org/ASBMB/site.nsf /web/F1CA95BE958EC5738525704D0050FE7D?OpenDocument

12-17 March, Sun-Fri. Fibroblast Growth Factors In Development & Disease. Ventura, California. Information: Gordon Research Conferences, PO Box 984, West Kingston, RI 02892-0984 USA, 401-783-4011, fax: 401-783-7644, e-maih grc@grc.org, Internet: http://www.grc.uri.edu/programs/2006/fibro.htm

13-16 March, Mon-Thu. 16th Annual West Coast Conference on Soils, Sediments, and Water. San Diego, California. Information: Brenda Lockwood, The Association for Environmental Health and Sciences, 150 Fearing Street, Amherst, MA 01002 USA, 413-549-5170, fax: 413-549-0579, e-mail: brenna@aehs.com, Internet: http://www.aehs.com/conferences/westcoast/index.htm

16-18 March, Thu-Sat. 5th Annual Forum for Improving Children's Health Care. Orlando, Florida. Information: National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality (NICHQ), 20 University Road, 7th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA, 866-787-0832 or 617-301-4900, fax: 617-301-4899, e-mail: info@nichq.org, Internet: http://www.nichq.org/NICHQ/Programs/ConferencesAndTraining/ 5thannualforum.htm

16-18 March, Thu-Sat. International Conference on Women and Infections Diseases--Satellite Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. Information: Sakina Jaffer, NCID/ CDC, 404-371-5308, e-mail: smjl@cdc.gov, Internet: http://www.iceid.org/

19-22 March, Sun-Wed. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta, Georgia. Information: American Society for Microbiology, 1752 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 USA, 202-942-9300, fax: 202-942-9340, e-mail: iceid@asmusa.org, Internet: http://www.iceid.org/

21-23 March, Tue-Thu. Genetics and Health Policy (part two of two-part course). Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Information: Dijana Marie, Public Health Genetics Unit, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Worts Causeway, Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK, +44 (0) 1223 741162, e-mail: phgu@srl.cam.ac.uk, Internet: http://www.phgu.org.uk/newsletter/course/course.html

21-25 March, Tue-Sat. 5th European Breast Cancer Conference. Nice, France. Information: EBCC-5 Conference Secretariat: Federation of European Cancer Societies, Avenue E, Mounier 83, B-1200 Brussels, +32 (0)2 775 02 05, fax: +32 (0)2 775 02 00, e-mail: EBCC@fecs.be, Internet: http:l/www.fecs.be/emc.asp?pageId=616

23-26 March, Thu-Sun. 2006 Annual Clinical Genetic Meeting. San Diego, California. Information: J.R. Daggett and Associates, 5994 Kimberly Anne Way, Alexandria, VA 22310 USA, 703-921-0333, fax: 703-783-0501, e-mail: acmg@jrdaggett.com, Internet: http://www.acmg.net/resources/ACMG/2OO6/2006main-dev.asp

24 March, Fri. ATA Spring Symposium--Thyroid Health and the Environment: Threats and Effects. Washington, DC. Information: American Thyroid Association, 6066 Leesburg Pike, Suite 550, Falls Church, VA 22041 USA, 703-998-8890, fax: 703-998-8893, Internet: http://www.thyroid.org

26-30 March, Sun-Thu. American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. Information: Kathleen Thompson, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 USA, 202-872-8072, fax: 202-872-6128, e-mail: k_thompson@acs.org, Internet: http://www.chemistry.org/portal/a/c/s/1/acsdisplay.html? DOC=meetings%5catlanta2006%5chome.html

27 Marcel April, Mon-Sat. Stem Ceils (G4). Whistler, British Columbia. Information: Keystone Symposia, 221 Summit Place #272, Drawer I630, Silverthnrne, CO 80498 USA, 800-253-0685 or 970-262-1230, fax: 970-262-1525, e-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org, Internet: http://www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=786

28 March-2 April, Tue-Sun. Advances in Influenza Research: From Birds to Bench to Bedside. Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Information: Keystone Symposia, 221 Summit Place #272, Drawer 1630, Silverthorne, CO 80498 USA, 800-253-0685 or 970-262-1230, fax: 970-262-1525, Internet: http://www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ViewMeetings.cfm? MeetingID=802


1-5 April, Sat-Wed. American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Information: American Association for Cancer Research, 615 Chestnut Street, 17th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404 USA, 215-440-9300, free telephone: 1-866-423-3965, fax: 215-440-7228, e-mail: aacr@aacr.org, Internet: http://www.aacr.org/page4290.aspx

1-5 April, Sat-Wed. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting and Centennial Celebration of the ASBMB and JBC. San Francisco, California. Information: ASBMB Meetings Office, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3996 USA, 301-634-7145, fax: 301-634-7126, e-mail: meetings@asbmb.org, Internet: http://www.asbmb.org/meetings

2-5 April, Sun-Wed. lOth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2006). Venice, Italy. Information: DEI--Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, via Gradenigo 6/A--Padova, Internet: http://recomb06.dei.unipd.it/

3-5 April, Mon Wed. NAS Sadder Colloquium: From Functional Genomics of Model Organisms to Crop Plants for Global Health. Washington, DC. Information: National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20418 USA, 949-387-2923, fax: 949-387-0500, e-mail: sackler@nas.edu, Internet: http://www.nasonline.org/sackler_crops

6-11 April, Thu Tue. Allergy, Allergic Inflammation and Asthma. Breckenridge, Colorado. Information: Keystone Symposia, 221 Summit Place #272, Drawer 1630, Silverthorne, CO 80498 USA, 800-253-0685 or 970-262-1230, fax: 970-262-1525, Internet: http://www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/ViewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=793

19-20 April, Wed-Thu. CleanMed 2006. Seattle, Washington. Information: Peter Diamond, CleanMed, Co-Coordinator, 41 Oakview Terrace, Boston, MA 02130 USA, 617-524-6018, fax: 617-524-7021, e-mail: PDiamond@CleanMed.org, Internet: http://www.cleanmed.org/2006/home.html

19-23 April, Wed-Sun. 10th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved and Cancer. Washington, DC. Informaion: 10th Biennial Symposium, Baylor College of Medicine, 6655 Travls, Suite 322, Houston, TX 77030-1312 USA, 713-798-5383 or toll-free: 1-877-243-6642, fax: 713-798-6222, e-mail: symposium@iccnetwork.org, Internet: http://www.iccnetwork.org/symposium/

26-30 April, Wed-Sun. Gene Expression and Signaling in the Immune System. Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Meetings and Courses Program, PO Box 100, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-2213 USA, 516-367-8346, fax: 516-367-8845, e-mail: meetings@cshl.edu, Internet: http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/ immune06.shtml

27-29 April, Thu-Sat. American Academy of Environmental Medidne 2006 Instructional Courses, Part III--The Diagnosis and Treatment of Chemical Sensitivity. Kansas City, Missouri. Information: American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 7701 East Kellogg, Suite 625, Wichita, KS 67207 USA, 316-684-5500, fax: 316-684-5709, e-mail: administrator@aaem.com, Internet: http://www.aaem.com/Instructional_courses.htm

29 April, Sat. American Academy of Environmental Medicine 2006 Instructional Courses---Pearls to Easily Recognize and Treat Environmental Illness in All Age Groups. Kansas City, Missouri. Information: American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 7701 East Kellogg, Suite 625, Wichita, KS 67207 USA, 316-684-5500, fax: 316-684-5709, e-mail: administrator@aaem.com, Internet: http://www.aaem.com/Instructional_courses.htm


6-9 May, Sat-Tue. European Human Genetics Conference 2006. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Information: European Society of Human Genetics, c/o Vienna Medical Academy, Alserstrasse 4, 1090 Vienna, Austria, +43 1 405 13 83 20, fax: +43 1 405 13 83 23, e-mail: office@eshg.org, Internet: http://www.eshg.org/eshg2006/

6-10 May, Sat-Wed. 5th Annual Meeting of the Complex Trait Consortium. Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Information: John E. French, NIEHS, NIH, PO Box 12233, MD F-05, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA, 919-541-2569, Fax: 919-541-1460, e-mail: french@niehs.nih.gov, or David Threadgill, Department of Genetics, UNC-CH, CB 7264, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA, 919-843-6472, fax: 919-843-4682, Internet: http://www.complextrait.org/meetings/main.php

7-11 May, Sun-Thu. 16th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting. The Hague, the Netherlands. Information: Congress Secretariat: SETAC Europe, Avenue de la Toison d'Or 67, B-1060 Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 772 72 81, fax: +32 2 770 53 86, e-mail: setac@setaceu.org, Internet: http://www.setaceumeedng.org/thehague/

9-11 May, Tue-Thu. 2006 Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology. Durham, North Carolina. Information: Amy Klaus, Programs Associate, Air and Waste Management Association, One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor, 420 Fort Duquesne Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1435 USA, 412-232-3444, ext. 3119, e-mail: aklaus@awma.org, Internet: http://www.awma.org/events/confs/Measurementsl2006/defanh.asp

21-26 May, Sun-Fri. 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Orlando, Florida. Information: American Society for Microbiology, 1752 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 USA, 202-942-9356, fax: 202-942-9340, e-mail: conferences@asmusa.org, Internet: http://www.asm.org/Meetings/index.asp?bid=697

22-24 May, Mon-Wed. Hormonally-Induced Reproductive Tumors: Relevance of Rodent Bioassays Workshop. Raleigh, North Carolina. Information: Dr. Paul Foster, NTP Liaison and Scientific Review Office, PO Box 12233, MD A3-01, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA, 919-541-2513, e-mail: foster2@niehs.nih.gov, Internet: http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/

22-25 May, Mon-Thu. Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: The Fifth International Conference. Monterey, California. Information: Gina Melaragno, 614-424-7866, e-mail: chlorcon@battelle. org, Internet: http://www.battelle.org/environment/er/conferences/chlorcon/default.stm

23-25 May, Tue-Thu. 3rd International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments. Shizuoka, Japan. Information: Symposium Secretary, +81-543-37-0921, fax: +81-543-34-9768, e-mail: kita@scc.u-tokai.ac.jp, Internet: http://www.soildyn.oc.u-tokai.ac.jp/~iscs2006/

31 May-3 June, Wed-Sat. Community--Campus Partnerships for Health 9th Conference--Walking the Talk: Achieving the Promise of Authentic Partnerships. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Information: Anne Moreau, CCPH Program Assistant, Institute for Children's Environmental Health, University of Washington, Box 354809, Seattle, WA 98195-4809 USA, 206-543-8178, e-mail: ccphuw@u.washington.edu, Internet: http://www.depts.washington.edu/ccph/conf-overview.html

31 May-4 June, Wed-Sun. American Society of Gene Therapy 9th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. Information: American Society of Gene Therapy, 555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100, Milwaukee, WI 53202 USA, 414-278-1341, fax: 414-276-3349, Internet: http://www.asgt.org/


4-9 June, Sun-Fri. Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Conference. Barga, Italy. Information: Gordon Research Conferences, PO Box 984, West Kingston, RI 02892-0984 USA, 401-783-4011, fax: 401-783-7644, e-mail: grc@grc.org, Internet: http://www.grc.uri.edu/programs/2006/envendo.htm

5-7 June, Mon-Wed. Coastal Environment 2006--6th International Conference on Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions Including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies. Rhodes, Greece. Information: Conference Secretariat: Charlotte Bartlett, Coastal Environment 2006, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, 44 (0) 238 029 3223, fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853, e-mail: cbartlett@wessex.ac.uk

6-8 June, Tue-Thu. Geo-Envirnnment and Landscape Evolution 2006. Rhodes, Greece. Information: Katie Banham, Conference Secretariat, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, 44-(0)-238-029-3223, fax: 44-(0)-238-029-2853, e-mail: kbanham@wessex.ac.uk, Internet: hrtp://www.wessex.ac.uk/ conferences/2006/geoenv06/

11-16 June, Sun-Fri. 28th ICOH International Congress on Occupational Health--Renewing a Century of Commitment to Healthy, Safe and Productive Working Life. Milan, Italy. Information: Department of Occupational Health, Via San Bamaba, 8-20122 Milano, +39 02 50320110, fax: +39 02 50320111, e-mail: sabrina.braiati@unimi.it, Intemet: http://www.icoh2006.it

12-15 June, Mon-Thu. HOLIVAR2006 Open Science Meeting--Natural Climate Variability and Global Warming. London, United Kingdom. Information: Joanne Goetz +33 (0)3 88 76 71 22, fax: +33 (0)3 88 37 05 32, e-mail: jgoetz@esf.org, Internet: http://www.holivar2006.org

15-18 June, Thu-Sun. 12th International Congress on Infectious Diseases. Lisbon, Portugal. Information: International Society for Infectious Diseases, 617-277-0551, fax: 617-731-1541, e-mail: info@isid.org, Internet: http://www.isid.org/12th_icid/

18-23 June, Sun-Fri. 9th World Congress on Environmental Health. Dublin, Ireland. Information: Environmental Health Officers Association--EHOA Ireland, 39A Main Street, Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland, +353-1-2761211, fax: +353-1-2764665, e-mail: secretary@ehoa.ie, Internet: http://www.ifeh2006.org

20-23 June, Tue-Fri. Air and Waste Management Association's 2006 Annual Conference and Exhibition. New Orleans, Louisiana. Information: Katie Bombico, Annual Conference Technical Programs Coordinator, Air and Waste Management Association, One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor, 420 Fort Duquesne Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1435 USA, 412-232-3444, ext. 3108, fax: 412-232-3450, e-mail: kbombico@awma.org, Internet: http://www.awma.org/ACE2006/

21-23 June, Wed-Fri. Waste Management 2006. Malta. Information: Conference Secretariat: Katie Banham, Waste Management 2006, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, 44 (0) 238 029 3223, fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853, e-mail: kbanham@wessex.ac.uk, Internet: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/ conferences/2006/waste06/

24-27 June, Sat-Tue. The Endocrine Society's 88th Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts. Information: The Endocrine Society, 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 900, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 USA, 301-941-0200, fax: 301-941-0259, e-mail: fmoxley@endo-society.org, Internet: http://www.scherago.com/ourclients/ENDO2006PreProspectus.pdf

24-29 June, Sat-Thu. 31st FEBS Congress--Molecules in Health and Disease. Istanbul, Turkey. Information: FEBS 2006 Congress Secretariat, ODS Congress Management Sari Asma Sok, No. 8, 34464 Yenik6y, Sariyer, Istanbul, Turkey, +90-212-299-9980, fax: +90-212-299-9977, Intemet: http://www, febs2006.org/


2-5 July, Sun-Wed. 14th International Symposium on Infections in the Immunocomprnmised Host. Crans-Montana, Switzerland. Information: ICHS 14th Symposium, 7024 Palmetto Pines Lane, Land O'Lakes, FL 34637 USA, fax: 813-235-9014, e-maib elaine@ichs.org, Internet: http://www.ichs.org/crans/14th%20ICHS%20Symposium.htm

12-14 July, Wed-Fri. Urban Transport 2006--12th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century. Prague, Czech Republic. Information: Conference Secretariat: Rachel Green, Urban Transport 2006, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, S040 7AA, 44 (0) 238 029 3223, fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853, e-mail: rgreen@wessex.ac.uk, Internet: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/ conferences/2006/urban06/


6-10 August, Sun-Thu. 11th International Congress of Human Genetics. Brisbane, Australia. Information: ICMS Pry Ltd, 82 Merivale Street, South Bank, Queensland 4101, Australia, +61 7 3844 1138, fax: +61 7 3844 0909, e-mail: ichg2006@icms.com.au Internet: hrtp://www.ichg2006.com

6-10 August, Sun-Thu. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 2006 (ISMB 2006)--Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology. Fortaleza, Brazil Information: Steven Leard, e-mail: info06@ismbconf.org, Internet: http://www.ismb_2006.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br/

6-11 August, Sun-Fri. Mutagenesis Conference. Newport, Rhode Island. Information: Gordon Research Conferences, PO Box 984, West Kingston, RI 02892-0984 USA, 401-783-4011, fax: 401-783-7644, e-mail: grc@grc.org, Internet: hrtp://www.grc.uri.edu/programs/2006/mutagen.htm

21-25 August, Mon-Fri. 11th World Congress on Public Health and 8th Brazilian Congress on Collective Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Information: Executive Secretariat: M&odo Eventos, Av. Araulfo de Paiva, 1251, grupo 410, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22440-031, (55) (21) 2512-0666, fax: (55) (21) 2274-1941, e-mail: inscicao@saudecoletiva2006.com.br, Interact: http://www.saudecoletiva2006.com.br/

23 27 August, Wed-Sun. 59th Meeting on Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages. Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Information: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings and Courses Program, PO Box 100, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-2213 USA, 516-367-8346, fax: 516-367-8845, e-mail: meetings@cshl.edu, Internet: http://www.meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/phage06.shtml


2-6 September, Sat-Wed. Joint Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and of the International Society for Exposure Analysis--Science, Population Diversity, Caution and Precaution. Paris, France. Information: Adrienne Pittman, Agence Franqaise de Securite Sanitaire Environnementale (AFSSE), Paris, France, +33 (0) 1 56 29 56 40, fax: +33 (0) 1 43 96 37 67, e-mail: adrienne.pittman@afsse.fr, Internet: http://www.paris2006.afsse.fr

10-15 September, Sun-Fri. 7th International Aerosol Conference. Saint Paul, Minnesota. Information: AAAR Executive Office, 15000 Commerce Parkway, Suite C, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 USA, 856-439-9080, fax: 856-439-0525, e-mail: info@AAAR.org, Internet: http://www.aaar.org/LAC2006/

11-13 September, Mon-Wed. Environmental Toxicology 2006--First International Conference on Environmental Toxicology. Mykonos, Greece. Information: Conference Secretariat: Charlotte Bartlett, Environmental Toxicology 2006, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, SO40 7AA, 44 (0) 238 029 3223, fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853, e-mail: cbartlert@wessex.ac.uk, Internet: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2006/ toxic06/

11-13 September, Mon-Wed. ISEqH Fourth International Conference--Creating Healthy Societies through Inclusion and Equity. Adelaide, Australia. Information: International Society for Equity in Health, 263 McCaul Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, Canada, M5T 1W7, +1-416-978-3763, fax: +1-416-946-3147, e-mail: iseqh.info@utoronto.ca, Internet: http://www.iseqh.org/

29 September-2 October, Fri-Mon. From Human Genetic Variations to Prediction of Risks and Responses to Drugs and to the Environment. Fira, Santorini Island, Greece. Information: Conference Secretariat: Brigitte Hiegel, Inserm U.525, Universite Henri Poincare, 30, rue Lionnois, 5400 Nancy France, 33 (0)3 83 68 21 71, fax: 33 (0)3 93 32 13 22, e-mail: Brigitte.Hiegel@cclm.uhp-nancy.fr, Internet: http://biol.prospective-conf.u-nancy.fr/


8-12 October, Sun-Thu. International Congress of Immunogenomics and Immunomics--A Joint Meeting of the 2nd Basic and Clinical Immunogenomics and 3rd Immunoinformatics (Immunomics) Conferences. Budapest, Hungary. Information: Diamond Congress Ltd, H-1255 Budapest, PO Box 48, +36 1 214 7701, fax: +36 1 201 2680, e-mail: diamond@diamond-congress.hu, Internet: htrp://www.bcii2006.org/

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