пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Dahabshiil CEO Speaks on Global Money Transfer and Telecoms Industries at the University of Oxford

Abdirashid Duale, CEO of Dahabshiil, a money transfer company inthe U.S., gave the keynote address at a conference hosted by OxfordUniversity from June 29-30.

According to a release, the two day event explored in particularhow developments in media and communications shape the way thediaspora engages with and influences the population at homepolitically, economically and culturally.

Other speakers at the event included academics from both withinand outside Oxford University, along with journalists from the BBC,Al Jazeera, VOA and other media institutions including severalSomali outlets.

In his keynote address, Duale discussed the developing regionaltelecoms industry, and in particular how Dahabshiil's money transferoperations are becoming increasingly interlinked with the company'sinvolvement in the latest wireless technology, working closely withstrategic partners.

He went on to discuss Dahabshiil's recent acquisition of amajority stake in SomTel, a Somali telecoms and mobile Internet firmwith expertise in wireless technology and high speed broadband.

There are currently up to thirty private telecoms companiesproviding voice and data services across the Somali-speakingregions. Duale said consumers also stand to benefit from theinterconnection of telecoms operators, as well as the imminentinstallation of a fibre-optic marine cable that will enable highspeed internet.

Duale believes that with such mobile networks in place and anumber of companies - including SomTel - offering the latest GMStechnology, the infrastructure is in place for a rapid expansion ofDahabshiil's mobile banking and 'eCash' debit card services acrossthe region and beyond.

Dahabshiil is an international funds transfer company, and aSomali money transfer operator.

((Comments on this story may be sent tonewsdesk@closeupmedia.com))

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