пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

SA: $150m a year needed to save Murray: Conservation Foundation

SA: $150m a year needed to save Murray: Conservation Foundation

ADELAIDE, Aug 24 AAP - The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) today urged federaland state governments to pledge $150 million a year over the next decade to saving theRiver Murray.

The call followed Prime Minister John Howard's announcement yesterday that the federalgovernment would put $125 million towards a new River Murray fund.

Mr Howard said he was hopeful state governments would contribute an extra $375 million.

He said if it was agreed at next week's Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting,the monies would flow for five years from next year.

ACF executive director Don Henry today welcomed Mr Howard's announcement but said itfell way short of what was needed.

"Rescuing the Murray-Darling and sustaining farming requires a commitment now of about$150 million per year for the next ten years, half to be funded by the Commonwealth andthe rest from the eastern states," Mr Henry said.

"Inadequate funding will doom the Murray-Darling system to a slow death of thirst andsell our farmers short.

"The priority at next Friday's Council of Australian Governments meeting must be todevelop a national water policy that commits to security for farmers and the environmenttogether."

AAP la/sjb/br


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